Mistakes in the implementation of the ALUCOBOND facade
I wrote an article a long time ago pointing out the incorrect use of alucobond facade boards in the reconstruction of a building. The façade was made without the use of cassettes made by simple milling and this was the reason why the boards were anchored with visible rivets. This looks very unsightly and unprofessional. When renovating, alucobond can be used very effectively in all these details of the building. In particular, these details are:
- facade cladding,
- plinth implementation,
- sheathing of the roof cornice,
- watertight lining.
Proper design and use in renovation can extend the life of the building and also make the architecture of the area where the building is located more attractive.
Incorrect implementation of the ALUCOBOND facade
Today we would like to show you how ugly a building facade can look if it is done wrong. We hope this article will inspire you and you will not make such mistakes again.
- Incorrect anchoring with rivets
- Facade cassettes were not used
- Improper and insufficient ventilation
- Visible PE liner of alucobond
- Incorrect connection to the window
Interesting renovation inspiration from ALUCOBOND
On the other hand, there are also facades that can look exemplary. When renovating a building, they can bring it to life in a spectacular way and also increase its energy efficiency. In the gallery below you will find these interesting details:
- use of alucobond facade cassettes,
- cladding of columns with cassettes,
- the use of alucobond in the plinth area,
- interesting solution of the roof cornice cladding,
- combination of alucobond with a contact insulation system.
I hope that you will be inspired when reconstructing your building by these pictures from the realization in Žilina. Communication with the designer and the investor is essential. By using alucobond boards you guarantee a long life of the building with a very modern design. This will be appreciated by all those who renovate multifunctional or communal buildings. The formatting of alucobond or dibond boards can also be carried out according to the enclosed brochure directly from ALUCOBOND. If you have any questions, I will be happy to help you.