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Yurii Nushtaev - Details of the transfer for the Phalcated Cover Clamp (288 pages)

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The book "Pipes and Penetrations on the Roof" is the first book in the "Double Seam Technology" series. The first edition of the book was written in Russian, but this did not stop it from becoming popular among metal roofers around the world. In the process of working on other books in the series, after reading seminars for roofers and painstaking engineering work on documenting and creating technological processes for forming parts for abutments nodes, a large amount of information was accumulated that needed to be added to the book. The result is a completely new book. And according to tradition, the second edition is published with a translation into English.
“Pipes and Penetrations on the Roof” is a book with which you begin to become familiar with the “Double Seam Technology” series. This book should be considered as the first part of the Textbook, which will consist of at least three volumes. The next in the series will be a book that will tell about the formation of the intersection of double seams, folds and single seams of the roof covering, the ends of double seams on the roof overhang and on its ridge. The final volume of the Textbook will be a book about the general principles and rules for forming roofing coverings using Double Seam Technology. She will talk about the formation of the Roof Covering Plan, its role in the organization of work and the development of technical solutions when designing metal roof covering nodes.
As the first book in the series, “Pipes and penetrations on the Roof” will introduce you to the methods of forming parts and connecting them as part of one unit that forms the roof covering at the outer corners of the junctions. In addition to describing the options for abutment nodes, the book devotes a lot of attention to the processes of forming parts using a variety of roofing tools. You need to carefully study all the described methods of forming parts in order to learn about the “secrets of mastery” that are distributed among all chapters.
The book offers a description of the components in an order that can be used to teach novice roofers. The story begins with “Pipes with straight seam connections” - a node that every roofer should be able to do. Then follows a story about a “Pipe with diagonally located seam connections” - about the next level of metal roofer skill. The first two chapters are a story about “classical” or “traditional” methods of forming abutment nodes.
They are followed by a chapter on “Finnish” nodes and methods of connecting parts, which may be completely different from the “traditional” standing double seam technology. For the first time in this chapter, the technological processes of “Finnish nodes” were systematized and methods for calculating the position of marking lines when creating part patterns were revealed. The chapter on “Finnish” nodes fully reveals the principle of connecting abutment parts using a lying double seam and complements the Double Seam Technology with technological techniques that differ from the “classical” or “traditional” approach, which is based on the formation of a standing seam at the junction of parts.
A separate chapter of the book talks about the corner double seam and the options for abutment nodes based on it. The first part of the chapter describes the process of geometrically constructing developments of the lateral surface of abutments with round and rectangular pipes. They are based on transitions from a round or polygonal base to a round or rectangular top. The second part reveals the principle of forming abutment nodes using a corner double seam, which is located at the outer corners of the abutment with the pipe.
This book for the first time reveals the technology of forming abutment nodes using the entire set of available tools for forming the connection of parts of the node. Methods of connecting structural parts into standing, lying and half-lying seams with the formation of triangular folds on the surface of the parts and without them, for the first time form an inextricable circle of options - the Double Seam Technology system.

A completely new topic when describing the processes of forming parts abutment to pipes was the story of the combined use of joints of parts for different types of seams as part of one unit. The examples describe the formation of connections between parts of non-standard junctions that appear as a result of using a combined approach.
The chapter on abutments to round pipes will for the first time tell you about technical solutions that have not been described before. The new nodes proposed by me make it possible to form an abutment for round pipes located on the roof slope alone or next to other pipes, and the cross-section of adjacent pipes will not matter when forming the details of the node.
It was impossible not to add a chapter on the formation of connections between abutment nodes and roof coverings assembled using double-seam technology. The abutment to the pipe can be considered complete only after connecting the abutment parts with the roof covering parts. The examples show the formation of double seams and methods for weakening the places where they intersect.
For the first time in the post-Soviet space, I formulated the theory of “Weakening seams”. The Rules have been formulated and the procedure for working with seam blanks at the point of formation of the intersection with the longitudinal and transverse seams of the roof covering has been worked out. Using the Rules for Weakening Seams, you can cut out segments of workpieces at the intersection of seams in full confidence that the result will be reliable. Now you don’t need to memorize and guess the location of the weakening contour lines on the seam blanks; it’s enough to understand the logic of weakening the intersection points and use a simple template. The “Theory of Weakening Seams” will be further developed in the new book.
The story ends with a chapter on the formation of parts of abutment nodes using the Origami method from a single sheet of metal. To form the three-dimensional appearance of parts using the Origami method, only folds are used, laid on the surface of a metal sheet without cutting its surface and forming seams. The nodes for the practical application of the Origami method are described in detail.


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