Roof folding tools Hammer without retro-reflection SUPERCRAFT, 30 mm PICARD 103685 €36.90 Special hammer without retro-reflection (with balls), excellent device, especially for roofing roofers, interchangeable nylon heads, Ø 30 mm, length: 330 mm, weight: 400 g. Add to cart
Plumbing workshop equipment Extensible roller table TRX JOUANEL 105028 €511.00 Infomation Extensible roller table, reference TRX. Suitable for roll-forming and bending of standing seam trays and cleats, it provides a flatness at the machine exit. For working with long length, possibility to attach them to each other 9 cylinders with a diameter of 42 mm. Maximum load 150 kg. Total weight: 42 kg Add to cart
Scissors Roll cutter S10RS MASC 105142 €959.00 Informácie Rotačné nožnice na pracovný stôl do klampiarskej dielne, d s dvojitými ložiskami, bezúdržbové, pravé alebo ľavé, pomocou hliníkovej lišty sa nožnice pripevnia na pracovný stôl, lišta sa dá zakúpiť samostatne. Add to cart
Plumbing workshop equipment Manual rotary shears MASC 105395 €439.73 Information Rotary shears are suitable for cutting sheets or coils of sheet metal. The incisions are very precise with the guide bar. The length of the guide bar is 1 250 mm and is not included in the price of the product. With the help of the guide bar, the cuts are very precise. The length of the guide rail is 1,220 mm. It is not included in the price... Add to cart
Plumbing workshop equipment Table 1,00 m on wheels CLD-TAB-1M MARCUS 105141 €799.50 JOUANEL lenght 1,00 m width 1,25 m high 0,74 m maximum load 250 kg Add to cart
Plumbing workshop equipment Decoiler 670 mm JOUANEL 107541 €2,675.25 Information roll width 670 nm maximum load 1000 kg Add to cart