Production of stirrups and production in the self-help construction of a family house

DIY Caliper production and production in self-build house construction When you are building your family house, you want to do as many things as possible yourself. And that’s the right thing to do. We want you to know that a roxor bender is just the tool to have at home. You don’t even know how much more you’ll need to bend steel. And it doesn’t matter if you’re building a prefab or a brick house. We’ve prepared a short video where you can see how to make a caliper that you can use in a wreath or a ceiling. It’s nothing difficult and as they say “the head can’t outrun the hands” you have to research, measure and so on and so on. IF you were paid by the kilo, the approach would certainly be different. But we’re not going to address efficiency here. We recommend the following tools for making calipers:

The procedure is simple. And even simpler are the calipers made in square shape. On the board where you have fixed the bender, chalk out the dimension you need to have. There is no formula for this. You have to test it, measure it, mark it, bend it.

Bending machine for roxor

Shearing / Bending machine – 2 in one

Bender / Cutter – 2 in one

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